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A House United


Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Last night on November 6th, Northampton County held a 'Get Out the Vote Rally' with Dr. Oz at Flexicon Corporation in Bethlehem. With a whopping attendance of roughly 1,000 people and a slew of inspirational speakers, the rally was a fun and energized event. The atmosphere was thick with excitement, cheer, and renewed hope for tomorrow's election.

The evening began with a humbling prayer read by State Committee member Richard Morea. Matthew Walters lead the pledge and State Committee member Melanie Heilman bravely belted out our National Anthem. A combined effort by multiple factions of the local Republican Party lead to a well organized and extremely successful evening, hopefully a premonition on what is to come from Tuesday.

The night's speakers included the owner of the venue Flexicon Corporation David Gill; Pennsylvania treasurer and U.S. veteran Stacy Garrity; former U.S. ambassador Carla Sands; and Pennsylvania GOP chairman Lawrence Tabas. The speeches were spotted with jokes mixed in with encouragement and support for our candidates and the Republican Party. A message was repeated loud and clear throughout the night: for every person there (and everyone reading this) to call or text 10 friends and make sure they go out tomorrow and vote for the entire Republican slate.

Lisa Scheller made what will be one of her final speeches for this election term. After campaigning 24/7, Lisa (and her resilient, unflagging team) deserve an easy win and a good bit of rest. Susan Wild's reign and her total destruction to our economy is soon coming to an end.

Dr. Oz appeared to be in excellent health and was well spoken- much unlike his opponent. Admittedly, the beginning to Oz's campaign felt a bit shaky, with Republicans unsure of where he stood and whether or not he could be trusted to lead the government down a truly conservative path. But within a matter of months this candidate slowly warmed the hearts of those keeping a close eye and has convinced the majority that he is the right man for the job. The debate (if you can call it that) between Dr. Oz and John Fetterman seemed to be the last push he needed to get anyone who was otherwise unsure fully on board.


“In less than 48 hours Pennsylvania has the opportunity to stand up and say ‘no more’ to the divisive and radical politics that John Fetterman and his far-left allies have been pushing for far too long. This Tuesday, Pennsylvania will reject extremism. We’ll send a loud and clear message that releasing murderers, decriminalizing drugs, and skyrocketing inflation are dangerous and wrong for America. Together, we are going to start restoring balance to Washington. We’re going to make our streets safer and our schools better. We’re going to unleash our energy sector and let our economy thrive once again. I promise to be your voice and your champion so that America shines brighter than ever,” said Dr. Mehmet Oz.


There was indeed an air of respect and awe, similar to what has been witnessed at Trump rallies. Republicans are feeling good about their candidates- hopefully that good feeling will continue on through tomorrow and into victory.

A blend of all local Republicans within the Northampton County Republican Committee and the Oz campaign brought an enormously successful night. It is prudent to learn how working together for one cause can create a tsunami of positive results. A house united, a strong foundation, is what it takes to build a solid, long standing empire. Unity within our party is what will guarantee a flawless win for the Republican slate.

Don't forget to go out and vote RED tomorrow and remind at least ten other people to do the same.

-Margie Mandell

Owner/Blogger at Game of Politics


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