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It's Your Move, GOP


Updated: Feb 10, 2023

November's election left Republicans feeling defeated, depressed, and tired. From months of campaigning, endless hours of phone calls and door knocking... the resounding loss came as a horrible shock. The question that many are asking now is what can we do, as individual citizens, to ensure a victory for the next election? Should we just wave a white flag and bow our heads in defeat?

Of course not. We are a Democracy, and we must protect our Democracy by continuing to practice the most powerful right we posses- our right to vote.

As of October 2022, Democrats made up for 38.78% of registered voters in the US, Republicans coming in second at 29.42%, closely followed by Independents at 28.55%.

( For those who have been ruined by common core math- that's a mere 1% difference between registered Republicans and registered Independents. (When did that happen!?)

Of course there was cheating. There will always be cheaters amongst the players- that is part of the game. But for now, let us focus on the solid facts that cannot be argued, for the future of our elections and the solution to our most prominent issues can be found within those facts.

By far the most critical and surprising fact provided by that Ballotpedia article is the astounding growth of Independents. Looking at these percentages combined with the influx of cross-voting that happened throughout the state on election day (according to individual county reports), it is apparent that many Americans no longer feel an obligation to show any loyalty to the two-party system.

This is why selecting ELECTABLE candidates with pure constitutional ideologies, that is attractive to both Republicans and Independents, has suddenly become the most important and dominant move we must push our pieces to play.

To put it very straight forward- Republicans lost so badly in 2022 because we chose the wrong candidates. We cannot afford to allow this to happen again if we don't want to see the GOP evaporate into nothing more than a chapter in a history book. Our future candidates must captivate and charm both sides of the spectrum, have common sense policy, and be for the people- ALL of the people, and not just the minority of far right Conservatives.

The very core of Republican values is to uphold the Constitution at all costs. At this point, in between major elections, we must focus on the local county and township elections for positions such as school board, township supervisors, magisterial district judge, etc to create a strong, political foundation based on constitutional rights.

With this in mind, we must support the local police, sheriffs, constables, judges, etc. whose responsibilities are primarily to uphold the law; for these are the people who will end up deciding if and how they will enforce any future, unconstitutional laws or mandates created by those such as Josh Shapiro or President Biden.

Further more, it is our duty to show those 28.55% of Independents that the Republican Party is a party for the people in adjacent to our modernized world, guided strictly by the Constitution. Although we should never give up our personal values, our party as a whole can no longer afford to cater ONLY to the Christian, ultra-conservative, straight, Caucasian, traditionalists. As hard as that is to swallow for some, it is a fact that cannot be ignored. Otherwise, we might as well start dusting off those white flags right now.

The last step that we need to take is to USE the unfortunate modernized mail-in ballot system to our advantage. As much as we hate it, it serves us absolutely no purpose to pretend that this newly indoctrinated rule in the game of politics doesn't exist. We tried that for the last couple of years and it has gotten us nothing but devastating losses.

Finally- and this will certainly stir up some negative reactions but needs to be mentioned- we cannot support Trump's run for the presidential primary. Trump, as much as I personally love the man and what he has done for our country, has become unelectable. The money, time, resources, and energy wasted in supporting an unelectable candidate will absolutely be the end of our party as we know it. Because there are statistically less registered Republicans than Democrats- we HAVE to elect and fill positions with strong Constitutionalist Republicans who are highly electable and attractive to both Republicans and Independent Americans. Of course, if Donald Trump does win the presidential primary we should do everything in our power to ensure his win; but to support Trump's run for the 2024 presidential primary election, we will be playing right into our opponent's hand.

The Republican Party is dying and its survival is detrimental to maintaining the foundation of our country, upholding the constitution, and keeping our individual freedoms protected. Now, more than ever, is the time to leave our egos at the door... and do everything in our power to keep our Grand Old Party alive.

Wishing everyone a prosperous, healthy, and happy New Year...

-Margie Mandell

Owner/Blogger at Game Of Politics



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