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Nick Miller: too Expensive for State Senate


Lehigh and Northampton Counties have two choices for the new Pennsylvania State Senate District 14 this year: Dean Browning (Republican) and Nick Miller (Democrat).

The State Senate represents their people. The job of a State Senator is to create and pass legislation that will benefit the citizens of their district, as well as the entire state. They are in constant communication with their constituents regarding issues and problems within the district. They use this information to pass legislation in hopes of bettering the every day lives for everyone within their district. It makes the most sense to elect someone who is well-rounded, personifies the best possible representation of their area with moderate views and common sense solutions.

Dean Browning was an only child who grew up on a farm in Kentucky raised primarily by his mother, who was a single nurse. He grew up and went to university for science, chemistry, and industrial management. In 1987 he moved to the Lehigh Valley, where he remained in the same home with his wife up until now.

Nick was also an only child raised by a single parent. He has used this fact multiple times as a way to connect with the lower income families of Allentown, yet he fails to mention is that his mother is Judge Michelle Varricho, who most assuredly has been making a very comfortable salary- enough to send Nick to private schools throughout his youth. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that lifestyle- but it shows lack of integrity with an edge of true naivety.

Dean Browning's entire campaign is based on common sense solutions. He's a number guy, and he truly believes that his experience as a chief financial officer will benefit him in helping our district's biggest elephant in the room- the collapsing economy. Dean's viewpoints are over all conservative, but moderate and logical. Nick Miller is as much of a Democrat as one can be with far left views, but the most concerning factor about Miller is his consistent and youthful belief that money fixes everything.

When asked which policy was most important to him, Dean answered, “I am firmly convinced that education is the civil right's issue of the 21st century.” Dean expressed genuine concern when reporting that a whopping 19% of Allentown high school graduates can not adequately read. We've already had a Democrat, Lisa Boscola filling the seat for state senate and the results of her reign have given us this disheartening statistic. Browning wants to try a different course of action- to allow parents the freedom to choose which school their child goes to. Every single child deserves the best education possible for them and not every school is one size fits all.

Nick Miller's response to fixing the education system is simply more funding to the schools. While more state funding sounds great in theory, it's not a real life solution to the failing grades and depressing facts regarding the lack of graduates who are able to adequately read. This may also cause school taxes to go up, which will create more impoverishment for an already impoverished area. Perhaps trying to redirect the money schools are already given would be beneficial if they are lacking in some financial areas, but this sounds more like a job for a retired chief financial officer- not for the privileged child of a judge who still believes money will fix everything.

When asked about election integrity, Miller claims that elections are safe and secure, however, he has been known to contradict himself by suggesting we provide more financial resources that we can not afford to ensure the safety of elections. Browning on the other hand acknowledges that too many people feel their vote is not counted and we need to take action to ensure each and every vote is secure and legal whether they are Democrat, Republican, or other by increasing security and requiring photo ID.

When asked about inflation, Dean Browning supports the idea of turning Pennsylvania into a self reliant state and to take advantage of the natural gas and have the ability to become a great producer of energy.

Nick Miller's solution to inflation? Increase the minimum wage. Basic economics, history, and the long lost art of basic math has taught us that increasing the minimum wage will in turn increase inflation. It is basic, mathematical sense.

The Lehigh Valley can not afford Nick Miller for the State Senate. The new 14th District needs someone with experience, wisdom, and common sense solutions that don't involve adding more funds in the middle of one of the worst hyperinflation and economical collapse in our lifetime. Pennsylvania's State Senate District 14 needs Dean Browning.

-Margie Mandell

Owner/Blogger at Game of Politics

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